When we have children our previous lives end and our new lives begin. From the day they’re born we love them, care for them, want them to be happy all the time and dream of the life they will have and how we’re going to help them live up to their full […]
It’s difficult to know who to trust with our children’s education savings. That was why so many parents chose RESP’s. We believed it was a government savings account for our children’s future and their money was safe. Now we learn that a parent in Quebec has launched a class action lawsuit against […]
In order to get the right answer from a salesperson, you have to ask the right questions. The RESP was first created in 1972. It was a tool that likely helped your grandparents save for your parents’ education. But the world we live in has changed quite a bit since then. Your […]
Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning Is the RESP outdated? Will it actually be able to help our children 18 years from now? Both excellent questions and we are so glad you asked. Let’s go Back in Time The RESP started back in 1972 and was used to help parents save money […]
Think about the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) like this: what would you do if you found $100 bill on the sidewalk in front of your house Every Month? How happy would you be? Now for the philosophical question: would you spend it or save it? If you’re like most people today, you’d […]
Millennial Parents Guide To Financial Planning For Children The average Canadian family with two kids will get about $200 more next year and about $500 more in 2019 through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). And that’s just one advantage. _____ The recent increase in the CCB was a welcomed gift to families […]
Parents have started to realize that the RESP is not the solution to their children’s education costs but may be the beginning of their problems. For over 20 years the banks, group RESP companies, and governments have promoted to new parents that the RESP is the only solution to saving for their […]
Is this it? Is the RESP the only option for my child’s future? As parents, we want our children to have a better life than us. But today our children are drowning in student debt. When I went to university my tuition in Montreal was $960 a semester. When I graduated I […]
You’d think the 2008–2009 debacle would’ve shaken some sense into the country’s money people. You’d think it would’ve forced them to question everything they do. You’d think they’d see that the same old way was clearly not the way. And you’d think they’d have started with probably the most important issue we […]
Banks won’t tell you about Participating Whole Life Insurance plans as an alternative to RESP for your child’s education and future. For over a century, banks were viewed by Canadian families as trusted community partners who provided advice to help manage their financial lives. You walked into your branch, spoke with your […]
Contact Us: childplan@insuranceforchildren.ca