
Author: Michael Lampel

March 2, 2017 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Parents, RESP

The Real Reason Parents Refuse to Use the RESP as a Savings Tool

Are 50% of parents not using RESP to save for their child’s education because of restrictions on where their child can go to school and what they can study? In 2015 only 50.1% of parents in Canada which children who qualified for an RESP opened one to save for their child’s future […]

February 17, 2017 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Insurance, Parents, RESP

Your Child’s Future is Limitless: Their Education Savings Plan Should Be Too

This is a continuing blog in the series Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning for Children. Imagine how it would feel to help your child build a life free of debt. A life where they not only had complete freedom to choose where in the world they want to go to university […]

January 23, 2017 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP

Why is the RESP an Out-dated Option for My Child’s Future?

This is a continuing blog in the series Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning for Children. My father always told me: “If you’re going to spend your time thinking, you might as well spend it thinking big.” While I am President of insuranceforchildren, I still advise and manage investments of two-dozen successful […]

December 12, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, RESP

How the RESP Stole My Christmas in 2036

Millennials Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning for Children By Michael Lampel It’s Christmas Day 2016. The stockings are resting against the fireplace hearth, filled to the brim with toys and treats. I patiently watch as my four-year-old baby girl rips open the shiny red paper concealing the latest toy all kids are […]

November 24, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Parents, RESP

How Grandparents Can Help Pay for the Rising Costs of Education

Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning for Children: By Michael Lampel I’ve spoken with many grandparents who are looking to help save for their grandchildren’s education. After all, education is expensive and this is only going to continue to be the case. By the year 2031, the cost of education is expected […]

November 9, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP, TFSA

Should I Save For My Child’s Education Or For Her First Home?

In Our Continuing Series Of Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning For Children By Michael Lampel I recently went to an open house with my wife to look at what $1 million would buy today. What I saw made me seriously concerned about our daughter’s future. A four-bedroom house with two bathrooms […]

October 17, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Insurance, Parents

Humania Assurance Signs MGA Partnership with Insurance for Children

Press Release For Immediate Release Saint-Hyacinthe, October 14, 2016 – Humania Assurance and insuranceforchildren, Canada’s leader in financial planning for children and category leader are pleased to announce a MGA distribution agreement. Humania Assurance, a market leader in children’s insurance products with its flagship Children360 Critical Illness plan has entered into this […]

September 21, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Insurance, RESP

Is The RESP Even Relevant Anymore?

Typically I begin by asking parents what they believe is an RESP (Registered Education Savings Plan)? Every parent automatically and without hesitation replies that it’s an education savings plan for their children’s future education, where the Government gives them 20% of whatever they deposit to their children’s education savings plan.

September 9, 2016 - Posted In: Financial Planning, Millenial, Parents, RESP

Can My Mom and Dad Help Us Save For Our Child’s Education?

When I went to university, the cost for four years of tuition totaled $20,000. And that’s not including books, rent or other living expenses. Like most of my friends, I relied on student loans and odd jobs to get through university. My husband, on the other hand, was fortunate. His parents managed […]

August 20, 2016 - Posted In: Millenial, Parents, RESP

Canada Child Benefit: 21st Century benefit for 21st Century children

How Canada Child Benefit Will Pay Dividends For My Daughter’s Entire Life. Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning by Michael Lampel I’d like to begin by thanking our Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for thinking outside the box for ways to help our children succeed in the 21st century. Rather than continue rehashing […]

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