Parents have started to realize that the RESP is not the solution to their children’s education costs but may be the beginning of their problems. For over 20 years the banks, group RESP companies, and governments have promoted to new parents that the RESP is the only solution to saving for their […]
Is this it? Is the RESP the only option for my child’s future? As parents, we want our children to have a better life than us. But today our children are drowning in student debt. When I went to university my tuition in Montreal was $960 a semester. When I graduated I […]
We’re thrilled to announce that Jane Cotnam an incredible Family Advisor as the winner of the Insuranceforchildren Summer Sizzle Contest of two plane tickets to anywhere in the Continental US. Thank you, Jane and Bon Voyage… Insuranceforchildren team
You’d think the 2008–2009 debacle would’ve shaken some sense into the country’s money people. You’d think it would’ve forced them to question everything they do. You’d think they’d see that the same old way was clearly not the way. And you’d think they’d have started with probably the most important issue we […]
There are a variety of educational options available for advisors in the Canadian marketplace, but only one dedicated to financial planning for children. That’s according to Michael Lampel, founder of MGA insurance for children and host of a series of training programs for advisors keen to learn more about life insurance for […]
70 to 80 percent of jobs will disappear in the next 20 years, according to research. Technology is transforming industries at an incredible rate – and this will only continue. Just look at what Tesla did to the taxi industry and oil companies. Our children’s future is getting more difficult to predict […]
Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning For Children! When did doing the best for our children get so expensive? As if sleep deprivation, physical exhaustion, brain fog, and loss of personal identity wasn’t already enough to cope with, parents have another battle to confront: avoiding the temptations of 21st-century consumption. Our social […]
Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning I never imagined I’d still be paying off my student loans when I had my first baby. After all, student loans weren’t something my baby boomer parents ever complained about. Even if they graduated with around $10,000 worth of student debt in the late ‘80s (about […]
Banks won’t tell you about Participating Whole Life Insurance plans as an alternative to RESP for your child’s education and future. For over a century, banks were viewed by Canadian families as trusted community partners who provided advice to help manage their financial lives. You walked into your branch, spoke with your […]
Canadians have always believed their Banks could be trusted for advice on where to invest for their future and their money and their children’s. But that is now in question when the CBC exposed that bank employees are forced to sell and at times deceive customers on fees they pay and load […]
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