They say home is where the heart is. But nowadays home is where the help is. Despite financial concerns more than half of Canadians who were polled have said they would financially support loved ones purchasing or renting a home during the pandemic. You Can Learn More Here Some Stats 36% of […]
In order to get the right answer from a salesperson, you have to ask the right questions. The RESP was first created in 1972. It was a tool that likely helped your grandparents save for your parents’ education. But the world we live in has changed quite a bit since then. Your […]
What is the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) you ask? Let us explain with a little story… The Canada Child Benefit is a tax-free subsidy deposited each month into your bank account for each child you have until they are 18. Think of it as free money. What would you do if you […]
Have you heard? Families that are entitled to the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) who have children under six years old will be receiving a little bit more money this year! The last year and a half has been very unpredictable for families – especially ones with young children who have been hit […]
Every parent has big dreams for their child’s future. They want them to be happy, financially secure, get a great education, buy their dream home and pursue their dreams. However, parents’ options are severely limited in Canada when it comes to investing or saving for their child’s future. There are primarily only […]
The world has changed in so many ways in the past 20 years and then the pandemic. 20 years ago if I grew marijauna I went to jail. Today my child works for a company growing marijuana and they’re paid $60,000 a year. 20 years ago I wanted to become a mechanic, […]
Millennial Parents’ Guide to Financial Planning Is the RESP outdated? Will it actually be able to help our children 18 years from now? Both excellent questions and we are so glad you asked. Let’s go Back in Time The RESP started back in 1972 and was used to help parents save money […]
Think about the Canada Child Benefit (CCB) like this: what would you do if you found $100 bill on the sidewalk in front of your house Every Month? How happy would you be? Now for the philosophical question: would you spend it or save it? If you’re like most people today, you’d […]
Millennial Parents Guide To Financial Planning For Children The average Canadian family with two kids will get about $200 more next year and about $500 more in 2019 through the Canada Child Benefit (CCB). And that’s just one advantage. _____ The recent increase in the CCB was a welcomed gift to families […]
October 16, 2017, Toronto, On – InsuranceforChildren, Canada’s leader in financial planning for children and creator of Child Plan™, Canada’s fastest growing Digital children’s investment brand and Blue Cross®, ranked Canada’s #1 health insurance provider in 2017* is pleased to announce that insuranceforchildren has been designated as an MGA (Managing General Agent). […]
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